Mar 10, 2023Hewitt Fertility Centre shows clear tangible benefits in using SAMi (CASA) for IVF processingCongratulations to Tamanda Timvere-Hartley based at Liverpool Women’s Hospital, one of the UK’s largest IVF centres, for winning the Jean...
Nov 26, 2022Sperm preparation before cryopreservation improves cryo-survival and utilisationAlthough the evidence-base is relatively thin, recent data suggests that preparing sperm on density gradients (before cooling) not only...
Oct 17, 2022Measurement uncertainty and sperm morphologyDo we really know what ‘fertile’ and ‘infertile’ sperm look like? Sperm morphology has always been a most contentious area of male...
Sep 22, 2022Measurement uncertainty and sperm motility: quantification, estimation or guess-timation?It seems logical to many that the importance of sperm motility is not just a question of ‘how many sperm swim forward?’ but ‘how fast do...
Aug 23, 2022Measurement uncertainty and diagnostic andrology: Risk and evidence-based decision making to help improve quality 1. Is there ‘a body of peer reviewed and published evidence’...